Propolis is one of the key components that protects the bee from all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Bees has been in existence for over 4,500 million years. Over 8,000,000 known types of bees cannot be destroyed by bacteria.
The bees collect the component from botanical plants and young leaves and mix it with saliva and bees wax become propolis. It has been estimated that it takes 20,000 honey bees to produce precious 20gm of propolis annually.
The resulting cocktail of resin 55%, wax 30%, essential oils 10%, pollen 5% and a wide range of minerals, amino acids and bioflavonoids act as a natural non-toxic antibiotic that is effective against all microbes-viruses and fungi (equivalent to quantity of vitamin C extracted from 500 oranges).
Propolis Gold can be used without doubts because it is scientifically processed, clean, suci, no side-effects, natural antibiotic, anti-anthrax, anti-cancer and accepted by worldwide experts from WHO, EEC, GMP, HFMA.